Online Contest 100³: 100 years, 100 rooms, 100 artists

After the opening of the third edition of the contest “100: 100 years, 100 rooms, 100 artists” at Art Hotel Gran Paradiso, in which 100 artist’s room have been set up, the first online edition just started.

This edition will last 4 months, from June to September 2013.

The purpose of the contest is to show to the online audience (which will not visit the Amalfi Coast) the 100 personal exhibitions that will be set up in the rooms of the unique Art Hotel of Sorrento.

Day by day one of the rooms in contest will be shared on Art Hotel Gran Paradiso’s official blog. The posts, together with the pictures, will be shared on the official social network profiles of the hotel: Facebook ART HOTEL GRAN PARADISO, Twitter @GranParadisoArt, Google+ Art Hotel Grand Paradiso.

The rooms will be shared also on the PHOTO GALLERY ART HOTEL GRAND PARADISO:
Through the daily posts, the users will be invited to interact with the pages dedicated to each artist. The followers, which will share through social media their preference toward a room and its related artist, will have the opportunity to participate to the prize draw of 3 holidays at Art Hotel Gran Paradiso of Sorrento (subject to availability and in periods to be defined, B&B service).

The number of interactions and sharing accumulated will decree the winners of the online contest.

The prizes for Fans and Followers are:

  • 1 Holiday of 2 nights (B&B service) for each Facebook user checked out from Likes and Shares
  • 1 Holiday of 2 nights (B&B service) for each Twitter user draw checked out from Retweets
  • 1 Holiday of 2 nights (B&B service) for each Google+ user draw checked out from +1

The prize for the artist who realized the winner room of the online contest:

  • 1 Holiday of 5 nights (B&B service) at Art Hotel Gran Paradiso (subject to availability and in periods to be defined, in bread and breakfast).

The winners will be announced at the end of the contest.